To say that I have been very naughty and order some papers from Banana Frog! I ordered some Rouge de Garance papers which are totally yummy, fab quality! I picked the Fleur de Chine set and some other random papers! Can’t wait to create something with them! The bag has been stitched up but not felted as yet! Maybe tonight! My website of inspiration today is http://thegreenfrogstudio.typepad.com/ so that is where I am off to!
I promise!
Well no blogging since the 11th, and now of course I can’t remember what on earth I was going to blog about! Parents have been down for a visit, so have been visiting various places around
Michael Cammarata, 22, Huguenot, N.Y
I sit here 5 years on thinking about what to write about a man I never met. A man that after I have read the tributes to him, I can see was loving, kind, caring, determined and brave. A man that was and still is a credit to his family, loved by many, never forgotten.
Michael was nine weeks into a 14 week programme with Engine 28, Ladder 11,
May you rest in peace Michael. And that your loved ones are reunited someday with “the face”.
A quiet weekend here, not much doing at all really. I sorted out my ribbons onto cards and have put them in a basket so I can see what I have of what colours, hopefully meaning I use them more. By doing this I have realised that I don’t’ have as much ribbon as I thought I did and that I don’t have as much colourful, exciting ribbon as I thought I did! I’ll take a picture later!
I’ve been blog browsing today and have spotted these bags! How cute, I saw them here! There is really not much else to tell, I have a few things to get on with scrapping wise this week but how much I manage to do remains to be seen. Need to move some bits around in the house before parents arrive for visit next week. Also once the furnitre has been moved around I can have yet another tidy up upstairs and move about and chuck stuff out – you get the picture!
I’ve been slacking on the blog front, no particular reason just have been. Of course now I have to try and remember what I have done to blog about!
On Saturday we went to the Red Bull Air Race at Longleat, unfortunately because of the wind they had to cancel it! So a very long day due to lack of organisation when getting out of field it took a very long time to get home! It would have been a brilliant day with lots of fab photo opportunities but never mind. I did take some photos but Royston is in possession of the camera so I haven’t had a chance to upload them yet.
Mmm what else? Not much to be fair, whilst in the car on Saturday I started knitting myself a scarf using my rather fabulous 1 skein of Giotto by Colinette and last night I finished it!! Just got to trim the ends and give it a quick press with the iron, it is all colourful and beautiful!
Last night I mooched down to Starbucks for Stitch and Bitch and in the interest of cheapness, trying new stuff and less coffee I thought I’d try the tea. Tazo Chai is yummy, not so keen on the Citron to be fair! Of course I’m sitting here with my cup of coffee wishing I had a little Chai right now, I can’t even go looking for any at lunch time as Royston has the car today.
I have made myself a knit tin to store little bits of knitty and crochet info, and also filed all my printed patterns into a folder. I also made myself an album for 6x12 layouts which I fancy having a go at but have now realised that I could really do with some 6x12 page protectors so if anyone knows where I can get some please, please, please let me know. Tonight I may finish my bracelet that I started a few weeks ago, not much left to do before it’s finished. Then I need to make a Birthday card and present for next Friday. I also have a few scrapping things to do and I need to make a start on some bits for the Big Knit Out, our Stitch and Bitch National Knitting Week fundraiser for Breast Cancer, so cheeky mode here if anyone would like to donate pink, white, cream or lilac wool to our cause drop me a line!
Anyhoo I’m off like a smelly cheese folks – catch you later!